Monday, March 21, 2011

sunny days....

spring is finally upon us! today was one of those days. the days when you wake up, look out the window up at the sun, and automatically know without even checking the weather that it needs to be a day spent outside. so, me and everyone's favorite self-employed-bald-machinist, Ross, took advantage of it. It's been in the low 80's here lately and two-wheeled travel seems like the only option. I took my camera along for the ride for once, so enjoy some photos of our little monday adventure.

clear your head.....

Ross always comes up with the most solid lunch spots, and today's seafood bonanza was no exception!

after lunch, we decided to head up the county to the Warrior River, to this little river shack that belongs to Ross' family. something tells me this spot will be our first camping trip this year.

special seating for the non-locals.

back to town in one piece, just in time for a 5 o' clock beer and some shit talking at the shop. days like this are what keeps us going and in the seat of our choppers. drop what your doing, get outside and kick your bike to life!

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